What many people don’t know is that it’s just as important to have a post-wedding checklist as it is to have a pre-wedding checklist…

From the wedding photos to sending out thank you notes, let’s talk about what should be at the top of your post-wedding checklist:

Return anything you’ve borrowed or hired

Whether it’s the suits or pieces of decor you’ve hired for the venue, getting these returned as soon as possible after the wedding, in the condition you hired them in, is the best way to avoid any fines. Plus, you don’t really need all of these things cluttering up your post-wedding house!

Put together a wedding photo album

It’s likely your wedding photographer will provide you all your photos, and it’ll be up to you to decide what to do with them, and how you want them to be stored. It’s better to do this sooner rather than later, while you’re still excited about skipping through them all. Otherwise it might get left, and then the task might feel more like a chore.

Similarly, creating a memories box of any little pieces you saved from the day is also a great idea. As it keeps everything in one place and works as a wonderful way to keep memories alive. Get this item ticked off your post-wedding checklist asap by arranging a weekend with your spouse, sitting down, sipping wine and sorting through it all.

Write and send out thank you notes

This can be a bit of a time-consuming task but it’s important to send your thanks to all of the people who contributed to your special day. You’ll find plenty of handy hints online, that’ll guide the structure and make the process a lot faster. Once you’ve done this, the next thing is remembering to post them and not leaving them sitting on your kitchen counter for months!

Change your surname on official documents

While changing your surname is an optional part of getting married, if you have done so, this is one of the most significant things to add to your post-wedding checklist. Your driving licence should be changed as soon as you get the chance. But other official things like, bills in your name, for example, can be sorted a little less urgently. To ensure you’ve changed everything, it’s a good idea to make a list of stuff that has to be done, and tick them off as you go. Some may involve just logging in, or phoning up to change, while others can be slightly more complex.

Get your wedding dress cleaned and preserved 

Despite saying you would never get your wedding dress dirty on the big day, accidents do happen. Getting your gown cleaned as soon as possible after the wedding is vital to avoid permanent staining. Once this has been done, you can then decide on how you want to preserve your dress, and that doesn’t mean just popping it on top of your wardrobe! Many companies offer special preservation boxes, which will maintain the quality of your dress through the years. On the other hand, you may choose to sell, or donate your wedding. Either way, do it post-wedding, rather than post-1st-anniversary!

These are just some of the post-wedding tips we believe you should remember. However, each newly-wed couple are different. Therefore, it’s important to focus on those tasks that matter to you!